Estrin Education Inc.

eDiscovery v. Computer Forensics - The Inevitable Union

Webinar approx. 60 min. (1 Hr. CLE)

The world of discovery is becoming more complex.

Do you find yourself having to determine what evidence is eDiscovery and what is computer forensics?
Would you like to develop a road map that will guide you through the maze of determining factors? 

This webinar will help you to develop an overview of what you can collect and when to call in a computer
forensics expert.

What You Will Learn:

The difference between eDiscovery and forensics
When are you recovering too much email?
Using keyword searching to find relevant emails
Online Review
What exists and how did it get there
What can we collect
Encase demonstration
Steps to refining and culling data
Filtering relevant data
Categorizing data

Learn from one of the top experts in the country. This valuable webinar gives you information that you can immediately take back to your firm and use.
Meet Your Presenter:

Eric Robi, President, Elluma Discovery, has been working in electronic discovery since 2002. He teaches computer forensics at Cal State Fullerton and has testified in Federal and State Courts.  Eric has been featured on Fox News and CBS News.