Estrin Education Inc.

Careers: How to Work for a Jerk

Webinar 60 minutes (No CLE)

Have you ever thought you got your dream job only to find out that the boss was confrontational and your colleagues were irritating? You don't need to walk off the job. But you do need to know how to handle the situation to save your sanity. This valuable guide shows you techniques, tips and phrases to use to get these jerks to back off. You may not be able to change their behavior but by changing yours, you may be able to once again, enjoy your job and work in a comfortable and positive work environment.

Meet Your Presenter: Chere Estrin, President & Co-Founding Member, the Organization of Legal Professionals (OLP) and CEO, Paralegal Knowledge Institute. Ms. Estrin is the Editor-in-Chief of the OLP eJournal and KNOW, the Magazine for Paralegals. She has held executive positions in major law firms and Fortune 1000 corporations. She is a national seminar speaker, author of 10 books and hundreds of articles. Ms. Estri has been interviewed by Newsweek, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune and other publications.